018. til it happens in your heart

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apologies for lack of strips. the family scanner in singapore doesn't have a mac install disc, and the only functioning pc in the house is currently riddled with viruses, which means i have no means of scanning my pictures in. i may post up fillers of other non-pingu related art in the meanwhile. the real christmas picture and other art will resume being posted on 4th january 2008 when i'm back in vancouver.

merry christmas everybody!

now back to our regularly scheduled panic attack...

0 fishes were fed to the little blue penguin

Welcome to the little blue penguin, a
graphical depiction of the arbitrary
adventures of a melancholy, mad, but
secretly optimistic Singaporean penguin.

Featuring the mental detritus of an English
undergraduate and her sketchbook.

          Updates somewhat bi-weekly.
         sliceofikan [at] gmail [dot] com

>((,(('> -[for the curious]- <'),))<

What does "ikan" mean?

What is "Singapore"?
Possibly this. But probably not.

Does this penguin really exist?
Of course.

Do the comics have any underlying
commentary on Singapore?
That's for me to know and you to imagine.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-
Share Alike 3.0 Singapore License